Aviation Consulting & Engineering Solutions for Airports
Haritaevi offers risk Analysis and Aeronautical studies for buildings around the airports, wind power plants, related to all structures or projects, OLS, PANS-OPS, CNS and Total Risk Analysis!
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Aeronautical Studies and Shielding Applications


Airspace around airports is regulated by controlling surfaces determined by international and regional authorities, such as ICAO and FAA. However, as cities grow, these surfaces might be infringed upon by the new developments within or outside of the airport.

The regulations are strict and restrictive, but cities are constantly changing, and new needs will inevitably emerge. However, if a building, construction, or development zone is infringing on the control surfaces and is determined to be safe and not jeopardizing the safety of air operations, it can be built or left as is. These studies are known as “Aeronautical Studies.”

An Aeronautical Study must consider all aspects of air operations, from PANS-OPS criteria to CNS safeguarding to emergency situations such as a single engine failure.

Since 2014, Haritaevi has been providing Aeronautical Studies within and outside of airports. We ensure the safety of air operations while taking into account the needs of cities and not impeding airport development by utilizing specific expertise.

CNS Safeguarding and Simulation Studies

The airspace is regulated by several Safeguarding surfaces. The protection of communication navigation surveillance equipment is another critical aspect of ensuring the safety and regularity of air operations.

Haritaevi uses the latest simulation techniques to assess the effects of new developments and provides tailored documentation to your needs.


ICAO has specified exceptions for Annex 14 OLS protection surfaces of airports.

Our company conducts shielding studies for individual parcels, blocks, neighborhoods, or counties in accordance with the SHT-HÇG instructions published by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation in Turkey or the MSB-HÇG instructions published by the Ministry of National Defense.

In this regard, we can provide solutions for large areas in Turkey at the province, district, or neighborhood scale.

Cities are growing safely. Aviators are flying safely.