Aviation Consulting & Engineering Solutions for Airports
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NOTAM (Notice to Air Missions) is a textual notice intended to be read by pilots, air traffic controllers, and other operational personnel involved in flight operations.

D-NOTAM (Digital NOTAM) consists of digitally encoded Notam data regarding one or more relevant aeronautical information changes that are temporary or provided on short notice.

Digital NOTAM is a small data set made available through advanced communication networks. It is designed to be read and processed by automated systems, which then convert it into text and graphic formats to be presented to humans. For example, Digital NOTAM can be used to provide pilots or air traffic controllers with an updated airport map that includes graphical depictions of ongoing work areas, closed taxiways or runways, temporary obstacles, etc.

To enable the provision of digital NOTAM, the information currently transmitted by NOTAM is modeled and specified in a logical data model. This has been accomplished with the Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM).

Haritaevi is working on Digital Notamsolutions by following the standards of ICAO Annex 15, ICAO Doc 10066 (PANS-AIM), Eurocontrol OPADD, Eurocontrol Digital NOTAM Event Specification, and FAA Federal Notam System Airport Operations Scenarios. As part of this work, Notam data in formats such as .pdf, .xlsx, and .csv are converted into .xml formatted D-NOTAM data, providing spatial representation.