Aviation Consulting & Engineering Solutions for Airports
Haritaevi offers brand registered software services to publish permissible building heights according to the airport OLS and CNS characteristics.
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Obstacle Limitation Surface Analysis


The ground is where aviation safety begins and ends. Obstacle regulation and monitoring are critical for safe operations. As a result, there are several limitations on man-made obstacles, such as buildings surrounding airports. These limitations cannot ensure that decisions are free of obstacles on their own. It is critical to raise the awareness of stakeholders, policymakers, constructors, and municipalities.

Aviation authorities and airport operators in Turkey and around the world are authorized and responsible for developing, protecting, and monitoring elevation restrictions in obstacle plans. Access to obstacle information is critical for individuals and/or organizations seeking to develop plans, projects, or begin construction on real estate in the vicinity of the airport. Using ObstacleAnalyze, which also holds Technological Product Experience and Trademark Registration Certificates, aviation information in ICAO standards can be queried online, such as which building functions and how many meters of building permits can be granted around airports.

ObstacleAnalyze aims to improve safety by raising awareness about surface obstacle limitations and managing obstacles around airports through a single portal.

Haritaevi has extensive experience in the development and deployment of Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) software applications. To assist and enable Deep Analytics of AIM for the Turkish General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGCA) and the Turkish Ministry of National Defense (MSB), we designed and implemented the web portal (www.obstacleanalyze.com) in 2015 to allow human and machine users to browse, select, and visualize terrain and obstacles around an airport and their potential Obstacle Limiting Surface (OLS) impact.

What are the features of ObstacleAnalyze?

  • You can view and query the construction criteria for the area remaining in the airports’ obstacle limitation surface,
  • You can see our aeronautical and shielding studies and query for the point you click,
  • You can upload files to our Notam and KML management tools and query for the point you click,
  • You can perform critical obstacle analysis according to the criteria you choose from your obstacle list,
  • You can view and query the CNS BRA (Building Restricted Areas) surfaces, ICAO Annex 14 OLS surfaces and ICAO Annex 15 surfaces,
  • You can add your obstacle in AIXM 5.1. format to the system individually or by clicking on the map,
  • You can add obstacles collectively from the file (.xlsx, .txt, .KML ve .csv formats) in accordance with ETOD standards,
  • You can use our obstacle management system as an individual or as a team by adding your own obstacles,
  • You can view the AIP obstacles of a specific country and use them in your analysis (Currently provided for Turkey, Romania, Latvia, Brazil, Morocco, Luxembourg, Belgium),
  • Using our surface analysis function within the scope of SID procedures, you can view the obstacles that violate the area you create.


If the location of your query via ObstacleAnalyze is within an airport’s Obstacle Limitation Surface (OLS), the ground level and building elevation are permitted by ICAO standards (ICAO Annex 14 Obstacle Limitation Surface) and will be calculated online. Please keep ObstacleAnalyze coverage in mind. All Turkish airports, as well as some sample airports in Latvia, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Romania, Thailand, Qatar, India, Morocco, Algeria, Oman, and Brazil.

Airport Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS) Display

Airport OLS, Aeronautical and Shielding Studies Query Results

CNS BRA (Building Restricted Areas) Surface Profile Calculation

Obstacle Adding Screen

Surface Analysis Screen

AIP Obstacles Display Screen

More information about the software can be found at www.obstacleanalyze.com.