Aviation Consulting & Engineering Solutions for Airports
Haritaevi creates aeronautical maps, for air traffic data analyzes for civil aviation authorities, airline and air traffic managers.
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Aeronautical Engineering Analysis

Aviation is an interdisciplinary sector. Especially in civil aviation, besides technical disciplines such as engineers, operators, data analysts, data analysts, transporters, etc., many professionals such as tourism, ground handling and maintenance and repair personnel contribute to each airline flight.

On the air side, all operations such as designing flight procedures, route analysis, interpretation of optimization and monitoring of aircraft are performed with map support.

On the land side, there are mapping engineering application areas such as site selection of airports, construction projects, construction and post-construction services, navigation within the terminal, mania plans to regulate the zoning conditions around the airport

Haritaevi specializes in creating, developing and updating maps for aviation purposes for civil aviation authorities, airlines, air traffic managers and air traffic data analysts. Our team listens to the requirements of all stakeholders in the aviation industry and tailors solutions accordingly. At this stage, our expertise makes the difference in selecting the appropriate technology, field operations, analysis and reporting methods to minimize sources of error. For a successful engineering analysis; we provide the most ideal solution for you from the knowledge we have created with more than twenty years of professional experience in surveying, mapping, GIS, 3D Modeling, web / mobile application development and visualization.

Haritaevi always provides high quality service to the aviation industry with ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 standardizations in engineering analysis.